Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence
- Editor at JOSS
- Secretary of RSE Australia New Zealand
- Mentor at OLS
- Trainer at Digital Research Academy
- Podcast Creator at
- Tutor at reproRehab
- Fellow at Repronim
- Maintainer at Carpentries
2023 - current: Post Doctoral Fellow at the Donders Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Methodological development and application of Normative modelling.
2018 - current: Bachelor Computer Science, University of Hagen, Germany
2018-2022 PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne
PhD Topic: Machine learning methods development and application in big data - towards the identification and evaluation of a neuroimaging biomarker for major depressive disorder under A/Prof. Lianne Schmaal
- Normative modelling in depression
- Normative modelling for multi-site neuroimaging correction (project supervisor Prof. A. Marquand)
- Multi-site correction methods (project supervisor Dr. P. Seamann)
2017-2018 Smart Start Fellowship by the Bernstein Center of Computational Neuroscience
- Translational Neuro-modelling Group under Prof. Klaas Enno Stefan
2014-2016 Master degree in Neuro-Cognitive Psychology
- Master Thesis Topic: Multimodal path integration in distance estimation based on Bayesian principles under Prof. Stefan Glasauer