All my projects & interests!

The three projects of my PhD thesis included:

  1. Site correction in multi-site neuroimaging data using Bayesian Hierachical Methods.
  2. Comparison of site correction methods.
  3. Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder in cortical thickness data of 10000 individuals from the ENIGMA MDD data set.

My post doc focuses on the following aspects:

Normative modelling development:

  • extending and maintaining the predictve-clinical neuroscience toolkit (PCN toolkit)
  • replicating the existing library of normative modelling data bases with a new version of normative models based on the SHASH function, and on a full-lifespan representative data set.
  • building a velocity (longitudinal) version of the normative model

Normative modelling application:

  • applying the normative modelling library to various dat sets, among them the health brain network data and pediatric data