All my projects & interests!
The three projects of my PhD thesis included:
- Site correction in multi-site neuroimaging data using Bayesian Hierachical Methods.
- Comparison of site correction methods.
- Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder in cortical thickness data of 10000 individuals from the ENIGMA MDD data set.
My post doc focuses on the following aspects:
Normative modelling development:
- extending and maintaining the predictve-clinical neuroscience toolkit (PCN toolkit)
- replicating the existing library of normative modelling data bases with a new version of normative models based on the SHASH function, and on a full-lifespan representative data set.
- building a velocity (longitudinal) version of the normative model
Normative modelling application:
- applying the normative modelling library to various dat sets, among them the health brain network data and pediatric data